The newest research cluster to become part of the Canadian Sociological Association was launched this week at Congress 2016 held in Calgary, Alberta. The Violence and Society Research Cluster was spearheaded by its current Co-Chair Myrna Dawson of the University of Guelph to help build a community of academics and researchers who examine various issues related to violence and its prevention. The Violence and Society Research Cluster joins about two dozen other CSA research clusters that facilitate information-sharing, networking, academic community-building, and collaboration among faculty and students working in similar areas. They also provide an avenue for making sociological knowledge available to media, policy-makers, communities, and non-governmental organizations. Two graduate students serve as Co-Chairs with Professor Dawson: Katherine Morton, Memorial University, and Emeka Dim, University of Saskatchewan. Ensuring regional representation, an advisory committee was formed and, following their inaugural meeting, the group has quickly evolved to about than 60 members.