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Dawson, M. (2019). Understanding the gender-based elements of femicide: How to identify indicators in investigations and prosecutions for the killings of women and girls. End Violence Against Women British Columbia National Training Conference, Vancouver, BC, November 28-29.  

Dawson, M. (2019). Justice by geography: Experiences of gender-based violence in non-urban spaces. Conference Keynote, Addressing Sexual and Domestic Violence in Northern British Columbia; Local, Regional, and Intersectional Perspectives, Resources, and Strategies for Change. Northern FIRE (Northern Feminist Institute of Research and Evaluation, Nov. 7-8.  

Dawson, M. (2019). Preventing domestic violence: It’s about more than changing individuals; it’s about changing our communities and society. Keynote, Muriel McQueen Ferguson Centre, Ending Gender Based Violence: Harnessing Research and Action for Social Change, October 9.  

Jaffe, P. and M. Dawson. (2017). Paternal filicide and domestic violence: The need for risk assessment, safety planning, and risk management to protect children. Addressing Filicide Third International Conference. Monash Prato Centre, Tuscany, Italy, June.

Dawson, M. (2015). Moving research into policy and practice: Using the public health framework to understand the prevention potential of death reviews and recommendations. International Conference, Cross-National Dialogue on Filicide. Monash Prato Centre, Tuscany, Italy, June.

Dawson, M. (2014). A decade of domestic homicide reviews: Understanding the prevention focus of recommendations from a public health perspective. Homicide: Precursors and Prevention Conference, Griffiths University, Brisbane, Queensland, March 24. 

Dawson, M. (2013). The court’s response to filicide: Gender, parenthood and justice. Keynote presented at Addressing Filicide: Inaugural International Conference for Cross National Dialogue. Monash Prato Centre, Tuscany, May 30-31, 2013

Dawson, M. (2013). “Looking back to see the way forward: Recognizing our accomplishments and facing the challenges in responding to domestic violence.” Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 3, Toronto, February 28.  

Dawson, M. (2012). “Domestic homicide and death reviews: The Canadian Experience.” Intimate Partner Violence and Homicide Symposium, Violence Research and Prevention Program, Griffiths University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, May 3 

Dawson, M. (2009). “Three Decades of Change: Where Do We Go From Here?”Family Violence Prevention Federal/Provincial/Territorial Working Group Annual Meeting, Halifax, NS, October 21, 2009 

Websdale, Neil and Myrna Dawson. (2009). An international perspective on domestic homicide reviews: From culture of blame to understanding and prevention.” Annual Canadian Conference on the Prevention of Domestic Homicides, London, ON, June 14-16. 

Dawson, M. (2009). “Domestic violence death review committees: What has been implemented based on five years of recommendations?”  Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women, National Victims of Crime Awareness Week, Ottawa, Ontario, April 29. 

Dawson, M. (2009). “Increasing our social footprint: Understanding the importance of sharing research to engage society.” Tenth Annual Graduate Student Conference, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, University of Guelph, March 6. 

Dawson, M. (2008). “Three decades of public policy change: What has been the impact for victims of intimate partner and domestic-related violence and homicide?” International Conference on Homicide, Australian Institute of Criminology, December. 

Dawson, M. (2005). Intimate Femicide: A Global Concern. International Women Day event, co-sponsored by Amnesty International, University of Windsor and Hiatus House.

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