Dawson, M. 2020. Missing from the count: Visualizing the invisible victim in fem[in]icide data. Paper in session “Missing and Murdered – Women of Color, Transgender, and Indigenous People”, American Sociological Association, August 8, 2021. [Pending]
Dawson, M., D. Sutton, and J. Fairbairn. 2021. Making sense of homicide data: Defining and documenting domestic homicide in Canada. Paper in Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention (Virtual) Conference, May 11-14.
Zecha, A., M. Dawson, D. Sutton, J. Poon, A.L. Straatman, and P. Jaffe. 2020. Firearms Use in Domestic Homicides: Exploring Risk Factors for Canadian Women. Paper, Canadian Domestic Violence Conference, Halifax, NS, March.
Boyd, C., M. Dawson, D. Sutton, J. Poon, A.L. Straatman, and P. Jaffe. 2020. Familicide in the Canadian context: Exploring Risk Factors for Canadian families. Paper, Canadian Domestic Violence Conference, Halifax, NS, March.
Straatman, AL, P. Jaffe, Mike Saxton, L. Olszowy, K. Reif, J. Poon, M. Dawson and D. Sutton. 2020. Child domestic homicides in Canada: Understanding the context, and recommendations for effective risk assessment and management, Canadian Domestic Violence Conference, Halifax, NS, March.
Poon, J., M. Dawson, P. Jaffe, and A. Straatman. 2020. Using an intersectional approach to examine the role of perpetrator gender in intimate partner homicides. Paper, Ending Gender Based Violence: Harnessing Research and Action for Social Change, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, October.
Dawson, M., P. Jaffe, M. Saxton, L. Olszowy, K. Reif, D. Sutton, and Anna-Lee Straatman. 2019. Child domestic homicides in Canada: Understanding the context, and recommendations for effective risk assessment and management. Addressing Filicide Conference, Melbourne, November. [Pending]
Poon, J., M. Dawson, P. Jaffe, and A. Straatman. 2019. Using an intersectional approach to examine the role of perpetrator gender in intimate partner homicides. Paper, Ending Gender Based Violence: Harnessing Research and Action for Social Change, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, October. [Pending]
Crocker, D., M. Gosse, and M. Dawson. 2019. Safety planning among domestic violence service providers. A call or an intersectional approach. MMFC, October. Paper, Ending Gender Based Violence: Harnessing Research and Action for Social Change, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research. October. [Pending]
Dawson, M., P. Jaffe, A. Straatman, J. Poon, and D. Sutton. 2019. Preventing domestic homicide in Canada: Addressing challenges to reducing risk and enhancing safety with vulnerable populations. European Conference on Domestic Violence, Oslo, Norway, Sept. 1-4. [Pending]
Olszowy, L., M. Saxton, K. Reif, Peter Jaffe, and M. Dawson. 2019. Service Providers’ Responses to the Needs of Children Exposed to Domestic Violence: A Cross-Sectoral Analysis. European Conference on Domestic Violence, Oslo, Norway, Sept. 1-4. [Pending]
Dawson, M. 2019. #CallItFemicide: Identifying and documenting gender-based motives/indicators in the killing of women and girls Crime, Justice & Social Democracy 5th Biennial International Conference, Surfer’s Paradise, QLD.
Fairbairn, J. and Myrna Dawson. 2019. Femicide in press: What does good media coverage look like? Canadian Sociological Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 4.
Dawson, M. 2019. #CallItFemicide: Understanding gender-related killings of women and girls in Canada. Canadian Sociological Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 4.
Dawson, M. 2018. (Dis)Counting Victims: Indigenous Femicide/Feminicide and the Courts. Paper in Canadian Thematic Session, “Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada: What Can Sociology Bring to the Table? XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, July 15-21.
Fairbairn, J., M. Dawson, P. Jaffe, and M. Campbell. 2018. The Implications of Defining Domestic Violence for Vulnerable Populations. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, July 15-21.
Fairbairn, J. and M. Dawson. 2018. Representing violence: Three decades of news coverage of intimate partner homicide in Toronto, Canada. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, July 15-21.
Campbell, Marcie, Myrna Dawson and Anna-Lee Straatman. 2018. The Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations (CDHPIVP): How Research Can Inform Policy and Practice for Domestic Homicide Prevention. Shelters of the Future: A National Conversation, Ottawa, June.
Bader, D., S. Yercich, J. Nepinak, D. Doherty, M. Dawson, and M. Campbell. 2018. Safety planning for vulnerable populations workshop: What is safety and how does it vary across groups? Shelters of the Future: A National Conversation, Ottawa, June.
Carrigan, M. and M. Dawson. 2018. Femicide Legislation in Latin America: A ‘What’s the Problem Represented to be?’ Approach to Policy Analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Law & Society Association, Toronto, Ontario, June.
Dawson, M. 2018. Representing femicide: Using the media and the courts to identify dominant attitudes and stereotypes about violence against women and girls. Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 5 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 22-23.
Johnson, A., D. Bader, N. Jeffrey, Melissa Wuerch, and Myrna Dawson. 2018. Responding to domestic violence in rural, remote, and northern populations. Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 5 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 22-23.
Dawson, M., P. Jaffe, A. Straatman, and M. Campbell. 2018. Progress and challenges in researching domestic homicide: A focus on the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations. Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 5 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 22-23.
Fairbairn, J., D. Sutton, M. Dawson. and P. Jaffe. 2018. What’s in a name? Understanding who domestic homicide victims are and how they are identified. Canadian Domestic Violence Conference 5 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 22-23.
Jeffrey, N., D. Bader, A. Johnson, M. Wuerch, M. Dawson, and M. Hampton. Addressing the Challenges of Conducting Domestic Violence Research among Rural, Remote, and Northern Populations. Paper presented at the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Conference, London, ON, October 18-19.
Sutton, D. and M. Dawson. 2017. Reducing the Risk of Femicide Among Aging Women: Ontario as a Case Study. Paper presented at the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Conference, London, ON, October 18-19.
Hotton, T. and M. Dawson. 2017. An Examination of Provincial/Territorial Variation in the Probability of Being Charged with Intimate Partner Assault by Gender of the Accused. Paper presented at the Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Conference, London, ON, October 18-19.
Dawson, M. 2017. An international examination of domestic violence death review outcomes: The frequency, type and content of recommendations for improvement in four countries. Paper presented at the Sweden Symposium of Criminology, Stockholm, June.
Dawson, M. and M. Carrigan. 2017. Gender-based indicators for femicide: Understanding their utility in social science research. Paper presented at the Sweden Symposium of Criminology, Stockholm, June.
Dawson, M., D. Tyson, A. Johnson, and S. Zielin. 2017. Gender, parenthood and justice: Examining court outcomes for mothers and fathers who kill their children in Australia and Canada. Paper presented at the Sweden Symposium of Criminology, Stockholm, June.
Tyson, D., M. Dawson, S. Zielin, and A. Johnson. 2017. Sentencing in filicide cases: The impact of gender roles on judicial decision-making. Paper presented at Addressing Filicide Third International Conference. June.
Carrigan, M., Y. Daoleuxay, and M. Dawson. 2017. Problematizing violence against women legislation: The Prairie provinces as a case study. Paper presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto, May.
Whitehead, J., M. Dawson, and T. Hotton. 2017. Police responses to reported same-sex intimate partner violence in Canada. Paper presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto.
Johnson, A. and M. Dawson. 2017. Examining how parenthood and intimacy determine punishments in cases of child homicide. Paper presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto.
Sutton, D. and M. Dawson. 2017. Identifying risk of and criminal justice responses to femicide of senior women: A comparative study in Ontario. Paper presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto.
Bader, D. and M. Dawson. 2017. Gender and criminal justice processing of intimate partner homicides: An Ontario case study. Paper presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto.
Eriksson, L., M. Dawson, P. Mazerolle, S. McPhedran, R. Wortley, and H. Johnson. 2016. Intimate partner homicide-suicide in Australia and Canada: A cross-country comparison. Paper presented at the Australia and New Zealand Society of Criminology meeting, Hobart, Tasmania, AU, December.
Sutton, D. and M. Dawson. 2016. Police as victims and perpetrators of homicide: Ontario as a case study. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, New Orleans, November.
Whitehead, J., M. Dawson, and T. Hotton. 2016. Examining the prevalence and characteristics of same-sex intimate partner violence in Canada. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, New Orleans, November.
Dawson, M. 2017. An international examination of domestic violence death review outcomes: The frequency, type and content of recommendations for improvement in four countries. Paper to be presented at the Sweden Symposium of Criminology, Stockholm, June.
Dawson, M. and M. Carrigan. 2017. Gender-based indicators for femicide: Understanding their utility in social science research. Paper to be presented at the Sweden Symposium of Criminology, Stockholm, June.
Dawson, M., D. Tyson, A. Johnson, and S. Zielin. 2017. Gender, parenthood and justice: Examining court outcomes for mothers and fathers who kill their children in Australia and Canada. Paper to be presented at the Sweden Symposium of Criminology, Stockholm, June.
Tyson, D., M. Dawson, S. Zielin, and A. Johnson. 2017. Sentencing in filicide cases: The impact of gender roles on judicial decision-making. Paper to be presented at Addressing Filicide Third International Conference. June.
Carrigan, M., Y. Daoleuxay, and M. Dawson. 2017. Problematizing violence against women legislation: The Prairie provinces as a case study. Paper to be presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto, May.
Whitehead, J., M. Dawson, and T. Hotton. 2017. Police responses to reported same-sex intimate partner violence in Canada. Paper to be presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto.
Johnson, A. and M. Dawson. 2017. Examining how parenthood and intimacy determine punishments in cases of child homicide. Paper to be presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto.
Sutton, D. and M. Dawson. 2017. Identifying risk of and criminal justice responses to femicide of senior women: A comparative study in Ontario. Paper to be presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto.
Bader, D. and M. Dawson. 2017. Gender and criminal justice processing of intimate partner homicides: An Ontario case study. Paper to be presented at Congress 2017/Canadian Sociology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto.
Eriksson, L., M. Dawson, P. Mazerolle, S. McPhedran, R. Wortley, and H. Johnson. 2016. Intimate partner homicide-suicide in Australia and Canada: A cross-country comparison. Paper presented at the Australia and New Zealand Society of Criminology meeting, Hobart, Tasmania, AU, December.
Sutton, D. and M. Dawson. 2016. Police as victims and perpetrators of homicide: Ontario as a case study. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, New Orleans, November.
Whitehead, J., M. Dawson, and T. Hotton. 2016. Examining the prevalence and characteristics of same-sex intimate partner violence in Canada. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, New Orleans, November.
Poon, J., M. Dawson, and T. Hotton. 2015. An examination of gender and weapon use in intimate partner violence incidents in Canada. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, Washington, DC, November.
Sutton, D. and M. Dawson. 2015. Differentiating Characteristics of Intimate Partner Violence Incidents by Relationship Type, State and Length. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, Washington, DC, November.
Dawson, M. and T. Hotton. 2014. Filicide in Canada: Examining patterns over time and geography. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, San Francisco, November.
Bader, D., M. Dawson, and D. Walters. 2014. Does gender determine the number and type of charges laid in domestic violence incidents in Canada? Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, San Francisco, November.
Whitehead, J., M. Dawson, and D. Walters. 2014. Does the presence and number of children involved determine the severity of the criminal justice response to the domestic violence incident? Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, San Francisco, November.
Poon, J. and M. Dawson. 2014. The role of weapons in domestic violence: What is a weapon and does gender matter? Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, San Francisco, November.
Hotton, T. and M. Dawson. 2014. A national examination of the role of gender in determining police clearance in cases of intimate partner violence. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, San Francisco, November.
Cahill, S., M. Dawson, and D. Walters. 2014. The effect of victim and offender’s employment status on sentence length. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology meeting, San Francisco, November.
Cahill, S. and M. Dawson. 2012. Gender and sentencing: Do female homicide offenders received gendered treatment? Paper presented at the Law and Society Association meetings, Hawaii, June 5-8.
Bujeja, L., M. Dawson, S. McIntyre, & C. Walsh. 2012. Family/domestic violence death reviews: An international comparative analysis of existing models. Paper presented at the Law and Society Association meetings, Hawaii, June 5-8.
Dawson, M., P. Jaffe, and M. Campbell. 2012. Lessons learned from domestic violence homicides: The experience of Ontario’s death review committee. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociological Association meetings/Congress 2012, University of Waterloo, June 1.
Poon, J. and M. Dawson. 2012. Contextualizing the use of force through pro-charging policies: An examination of dual charging in cases of intimate partner violence. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociological Association meetings/Congress, University of Waterloo, June 1.
Dawson, M. and J. Poon. 2012. The evolution of a specialized domestic court program: Examining trends and patterns over seven years in one jurisdiction. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociological Association meetings/Congress 2012, University of Waterloo, June 2.
Poon, J. and M. Dawson. 2012. Comparing contextual differences between men and women charged for intimate partner violence. Paper presented at the Critical Perspectives: Criminology and Social Justice Conference, Carleton University, May 5.
Hotton Mahony, T. and M. Dawson. 2010. Variation in police charging for cases of intimate partner violence in Canada. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November.
Poon, Julie and M. Dawson 2010. Factors increasing the likelihood of dual and sole charging of women in intimate partner violence. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November.
van Dongen, L. and M. Dawson. 2009. Going missing and gender: The risks and perils of going missing for women and girls. American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
Fairbairn, J. and M. Dawson. 2009. I loved her…I killed her: The construction of intimate partner homicide in Canadian print media. American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
van Dongen, L. and M. Dawson. 2009. The impact of gender and race on ‘going missing’: An intersectional approach. Congress 2009, Ottawa, Spring.
Dawson, M. 2008. Domestic violence death reviews: Findings from Ontario, Canada. International Conference on Homicide, Australian Institute of Criminology, December.
Fairbairn, J. and M. Dawson. 2008. I loved her…I killed her: The construction of intimate partner homicide in Canadian Print Media. International Conference on Homicide, Australian Institute of Criminology, December.
Van Dongen, L. & M. Dawson. 2008. Social exclusion and marginality among missing persons. American Society of Criminology, St. Louis, MO, November.
Dawson, M. 2008. Victim support in the specialized court process: Examining its impact on victim participation and case outcomes. European Society of Criminology, Edinburgh, Scotland, September.
Tam, D.M.Y., M. Dawson, M. Jackson, S.M. Kwok, & W.E. Thurston. 2008. A Comparative Study on Domestic Violence in Canada and China. Congress 2008, Vancouver, BC.
Dawson, M. 2008. Implementing a specialized domestic court program: Examining its impact over four years. Law & Society Association/Canadian Law & Society Association, Montreal, QC.
Dawson, M., E. Wells, & R. Dinovitzer. 2007. Exploring the role of victim support in a specialized domestic violence court. Congress 2007, Saskatoon, SK.